Affiliate marketing can 100% be done without a website and I’ll show you how to do it through other means, some of which produced me over $20K in sales.
Before I explain how to do affiliate marketing without a site, here’s a quick backstory:
One of these methods I’ll show you in this article actually produced me sales of about $250,000 in sales, more than 10x what I mentioned in the title, but these means “technically” involve making a page, but it’s so simple, that not mentioning this option would be insane, so you decide if it’s “Cheating or not”.
Now I’ve done articles on a similar, tie in topic to this where I explained 10 ways you can actually profit online without having a site.
However, that page specifically talked about ANY method of generating sales online, from owning your own product to creating third party pages like through FB to drive leads and sales through.Â
These articles (this one and the one I linked) are updated for the year 2020 and I can tell you, you can use the methods in both for at least another 5 years to come because the model and it’s legitimacy are in high demand.
This one however is going to discuss affiliate marketing specifically and the ways you can make some awesome sales through this approach without the page.Â
Now I’m going to be discussing the following in this article:
1) The 3 best ways to generate an income through affiliate marketing WITHOUT a website.
2) 3 case studies of my own, which generated me over $20k in sales which uses one of the 3 methods.Â
3) Additional case studies from other people (myself included) who have had their own success through one or more of the 3 methods in making money online.
4) I’ll help you with generating your own sales online without a website, but I will (spoiler) be recommending you consider going with a website, because it’s not as tough to do affiliate marketing on there, and it can be more profitable because it will be place where you can drive more leads and make more sales from.
Part 1: The 3 best ways revealed:
When it comes down to it, I can name quite a few ways you can make money through affiliate marketing without having to have a website. However, there are 3 which in my opinion are the most profitable and here they are:
1) YouTube videos.
This is one of the EASIEST and fastest ways to get affiliate sales online and my $20k sales case study actually involves ONLY using this method. The $20k case study actually comes down to this method alone and I’ll be showing you 3 videos that generated this income for me.
2) Promoting expensive companies.
I once promoted a law firm that was ready to pay me $300-$500 a lead.
But while I didn’t focus so much on that project and it eventually fell through, I can tell you that from other experiences where you talk to companies that have a lot of money and are ready to pay you big are very much worth promoting.
You can set up social media pages for these guys, make websites (but for them, so it doesn’t violate the rule!), and give them consultations to get leads and even drive them to their site in exchange for commissions.
I’ll give you another example, I have friends who are very successful marketing geniuses, and they are never too busy to get an extra lead or more to their business to charge for services, which I can easily do and in the process, we can work out a deal where promoting their service and getting them leads, I can make $1,000’s from a single one.
One of the ways I can do that is by networking, and even making YouTube videos promoting the same company and people.
3) Setting up one page funnels.
Ok, so we are “technically” breaking the website rule, but the ease of setting up a 1 page funnel is so easy, it won’t even feel like you’re making a page to begin with.
With this method (and I’ve done it) your goal is to find a large, but laser targeted niche audience, run paid ads across different popular platforms (Google, Bing, FB, YouTube), funnel the audience into a one page site, then sell them affiliate marketing products or services there.Â
The MAJOR risk with this method is the money spent on ads and the risk of not converting enough leads to generate a profit, which is why this method is best left to experts who understand sales funnels, but to those who do, it can truly be one of the easiest ways to make sales without getting into affiliate marketing.
This project can be set up in under an hour and can even produce 6 figure income results (I have at least 2 projects that managed to do this and in each case, set up took under an hour to create).
Now I said in the title of this article that I made $20k through one of these 3 methods. Well this last one, if you include the 2 projects I’ve had, produced for me…
$250k in earnings.
But being that we are technically making a page in these cases, I won’t include that in the final numbers, but as you can see, those are some insane numbers.
Part 2: The 3 case studies, which generated the $20k in affiliate sales (Without a website):
All 3 of these case studies involved me making video reviews and promoting a company called Wealthy Affiliate. Sales for this program go anywhere from $20+ a month, $108 every 6 months or $175 every year, and these are recurring…
A) The actual video promoting WA:
Now a breakdown of this video is explained in the more detailed YouTube case study on this video, where I explain how it earned $10k in sales and to be fair, it has been over a period of years, so not really much if you break it down into months, but:
- With the little work I had to put in to actually make it (it’s a really bad quality video by the way).
- With the fact that it does affiliate marketing without a website.
- And that it’s been up and working for me without me having to touch it and making sales…
I’d say it’s a pretty decent result. Thus far, here are the numbers (some are estimated, because I can’t really get analytical data to give you a precise number):
- 92 sales so far.
- With a $100+ value of each sale (each member stays for about 7 months).
- 92 sales x $100+ value is equal to about $10k in total.Â
- Being that this video has been up for years, that $10k added up and more sale also came in.
- I estimate there’s about $15k in earnings from this (some people left, new ones joined over the years).
B) Another YouTube video review:
This one doesn’t have the views my first one got (it’s still new), but because the sales trickle in, the sales from this will add up. It’s called Six Figure Mentors and in addition to this video review, I also made a blog post on my site for it as well (this one also ended up producing some sales too):
Stats for this:
- It has close to 2k views (made in 7/9/2018) so it’s under 1 year old.
- Made 18 sales with $100+ in value, so $1,800+ in revenue thus far (and growing).
- All I really did was talk about the program, and promote WA (all fairly by the way).
- Being that this video is still actively getting visits and sales, it will rise.
C) And one more profitable YouTube review:
I reviewed a program called Global Affiliate Zone. It is also known as GAZ.
I found out about this program and like Six Figure Mentors, made both a blog post and video review, both of which produced sales.
Currently, the GAZ video is the newest of the 3 videos, but it is also producing some profits and it will be trickling in as time goes on:
- Currently it’s also around 2k views and it was made on 7/21/18.
- Only 4 sales made thus far, but more on the way ($400+ value currently).
- Same approach in terms of promotion as SFM (video review and lead the viewers into WA, ethically).
D) Other miscellaneous videos:
I have a lot of other videos I’ve produced on my YouTube channel here, and honestly speaking, MOST of them don’t really get a lot of views (but some others make the extra sales to push the revenue to over $20k).
I have to be upfront in saying that doing affiliate marketing without a website is not something I am too focused on.
Most of my $500k-$1 million+ sales from this business model come from promoting stuff ON a website and this is where most of my attention and effort goes into. Like I said, I will be showing you how to get stared on this stuff and make sales like I do.
Part 3: Additional case studies: Promoting expensive companies/products:
If you are going to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing, but without a page, you may want to look at the option to promoting high ticket products and through YouTube videos.
Another option is getting training on affiliate marketing (get it here, it’s free to try) because being knowledgeable with how to promote and make sales online is something you can take to big companies and offer your services to.
The second option is something that requires a good resume on your part, a good marketing resume that is. You need to be good at affiliate marketing and there need to be people who KNOW you are good at affiliate marketing.
As word spreads about your knowledge and skills, you will be offered opportunities to work with companies and people, and it’s actually another reason I do suggest you consider making a website, so if people want to know what you’re all about, you can link them somewhere, rather than saying, you have nothing to show them…
2 examples of this model:
A) People promoting drones.
I personally love this topic and it’s perfectly suited for this context because if you look around YouTube and check out drone videos, you’ll find some gets 100k+ views and these videos ARE promoting the drones they are talking about. See an affiliate marketing success story example of a guy who makes a full time living at it.
These drones are of the ethical high ticket caliber (There’s high ticket programs and products that are unethical), cost $1,000+ in most cases and provide a commission of about $50+ for each sale.Â
I estimate someone who has a 100k views on his YouTube video that sells drones, probably makes a $1,000 from the video ads they run on it, and from the affiliate offer (the actual drone they are promoting), likely 1 in 100 people buy it. The better the review, the better the conversion.
So at $50 a drone (hypothetically), a 1% conversion rate and 100k views, the person may be making around…
$5,000 in affiliate marketing sales. Not bad at all, considering that person doesn’t run a page.
Furthermore though, the same people who do video reviews on this topic, also do other reviews, on other drones and promote them, as well as grow their own YouTube channel and get more sales down the road, and again, this is without them having to run or own a website.
B) Promoting, consulting or steering leads into companies that pay big.
Again, you need time, a good affiliate marketing resume to pull this off, but I have a number of examples of this from my own experiences and at least 1 more, of a guy (Dave) who was offered a $100k job to help a company get more leads, traffic and a better page.
- For my own experiences, I can cite numerous six figure case studies of my own.
- I can show and cite my websites that get traffic.
- I can also cite my own experiences and results I’ve gotten people I’ve consulted.
- I cite my own coaching on this stuff so people can see I teach people/companies and help them get results.
With the proof I can provide for these 3 things, I can pretty easily get companies and people asking me to help them and this has actually happened over the years, but like I’ve said many times before, I don’t like working with companies because I enjoy the freelance aspect of affiliate marketing and doing it under my own terms, on my own website (or without one).
In some cases, I’ll make less, but I prefer this route for the freedom of it but if I ever change my mind, I’ve got a number of people who keep the door open to contact them, but I managed to get to these points because of my experience, knowledge and reputation. This is what you’ll have to do as well if you seek to get the same opportunities.
As for Dave and for reference to this case study, I’ve listed his success story here, which you can read about (he is listed as #9 on that list, Dave), as well as 9 other success stories (the others do run websites though).
Part 4) One page sales funnel sites.
Here we are crossing over into the website creation realm, but not as deeply as you may think or worry. I think a lot of people who seek to promote things online without a page think the process is difficult or takes too long and the truth is that it’s likely less complicated than you think.Â
In the case of one page sales funnels, you’re simply looking to capitalize on one of two things:
- A popular trending topic that has sales potential (like a diet plan that’s hot).
- A popular, evergreen niche topic that has a major problem in need of solutions.
The goal after you find one of these things is to create 1 page that aims to talk about whatever topic/product you found and to give a good case (a sales pitch/review basically) to buy whatever you’re selling (the affiliate promotion).Â
Then the next key is to use paid ads like I described in the beginning of this article to find the audience that is talking about this topic or product and run ads so they can see them. This will lead to them coming to the one page site, looking over your sales pitch and buying it if you make a good enough case.
To date, the BEST example of this is my 1 page site that generated over $100k from this very method I’m talking about. I’ve been able to replicate this 3 times throughout my years and each time, the sales were insane, they came in almost multiple times an hour, daily, weekly, monthly and lasted a little under a year to OVER a year.
Overall, the combined total of these 3 success stories for this method are around $500k and the profits all came from promoting Clickbank products.
Part 5: Now it’s time to learn how to do this yourself…
For a majority of MY cases, the ones which worked best (and fastest) were the YouTube videos. The key to making these work is as follows:
- Find a hot topic (it could be a popular product, program or trending topic).Â
- Make a YouTube video talking about it and using keywords that cite the hot topic (so you can rank for it).
- Make a good (Clickbaitable) title so it gets clicks/views.
- Add an affiliate link within the description of the YouTube video that is relevant.
In my cases, whatever topic my videos were about, there was an affiliate link pointing to a relevant offer. Example: Make money online program review video has a link pointing people to a program that teaches making money online.
Why I suggest you consider making your own website for affiliate marketing:
99% of all the money I have been making online has come from owning a website. If you know how to run it, that page can become one of the most stable income generators for you.
Here’s some examples:
I generally find that people who seek to do affiliate marketing, but without a website tend to look for the “easy or fast methods” and don’t really want to work too hard at making a website. And also that page is updated for 2019.
I can understand this if that’s the case, but I can also tell you that making a website, building it up and marketing it is not as difficult as you may think it is.
To do affiliate marketing with/without a website. Read this advice:
As someone who has done both options, you already know my suggestion, but if you decide to go the other route, here’s the BEST way to get the best of both options:
Like I just mentioned, you’ll get the ability to do either, or even both if you like. I certainly do both, and through this, my affiliate commissions have been high enough for me to work from home at this.
It’s obviously clear that in order to succeed regardless of a Website or not, is to go through all the channels to “market” your affiliate links. Having a website can easily take you up the ladder quicker, but with the many options available without a website is mind-boggling.
Good article here, Thank you.
Hi Jeremy, a big part of the success isn’t marketing the affiliate links but marketing yourself as a trusted source so when you do pitch the affiliate links, people are more likely to click them.
Hi Vitaliy!
Definitely, there are people making money also without a website. There are enough places online available to promote affiliate links without having a website.
Running webinars is also another way to to make money without a website! However, I believe having a website opens up much more possibilities and ways to harvest the power of online marketing. It is also a way to build authority, sharing expertise and many other advantages a website offers.
Thanks for sharing your experience and advice!
Best regards,
I definitely agree about the stability and possibilities of having a website Igor. YouTube is certainly awesome to work with, but it is still a fragile way to do business, as your channel can be shut down for many reasons and if all your business does is work through that network, one shut down is all it would take to destroy it.
I’ve had experiences where I relied on certain networks to do online business with and experienced this shut down effect and know how catastrophic it can be, so a website that has organic traffic preferably is a great way to survive if something bad happens with other networks where you also make money through.
I never knew money could be made online without having a website. From the three suggestions given, I would say YouTube would be the safest route to go. Having a one sales page seems sweet but can cost a lot if you’re not already on a budget. that’s why I prefer websites to any other means cause it’s your brand and all traffic are directed towards you first before your other affiliate products that are being promoted.
Thanks so much for sharing. Will definitely be giving YouTube a shot to see how much I can make this year.
Great points Kemdi!
For the longest of time, I thought a website is a must for doing affiliate marketing. I guess it’s because most networks/merchants will want to review that first before letting you access the referral link.
For example, I don’t see how one can promote Amazon products without a website. It seems to go against their terms and conditions.
Your testimonial proved that my assumption has been somewhat biased. Now I could see why some ‘gurus’ are teaching affiliate marketing without the website creation part (I am not referring to you) and pushing people to use funnel software and running ads for bigger and faster profits. It’s actually possible – if one is willing to take the risk, I guess.
Hi Cathy, I actually have personally promoted Amazon products on YouTube. One such case was a special “book bag” which I used to take on hikes. I literally did a 3 minute review on it and it still makes sales. It’s very possible.
Regarding the gurus you mentioned, there’s a actually a few things which are both legit and not:
1) Many gurus are now teaching paid advertising and leading people down narrow funnel pages (not through big sites) and selling high ticket products. There IS merit to this strategy and I have used it before multiple times and saw results.
I’m currently running some tests with different PPC networks to see if I can figure out a way to profit long term without relying on blogs and if I can manage to do this, I will be releasing training on how others can replicate that.
2) Many of these same gurus run their own high ticket systems and try to get affiliates promoting them as much as possible. I often consider those types of programs schemes and warn against them.
Hi, it would be great to actually do affiliate marketing without a website. Owning a website comes with so much investment and responsibility. I presently have 2 websites and it’s not being easy coming up with content for both of them, despite working full time as a freelance writer.
Technically, I would say setting up a one page sales funnel comes down to owning a website in some sense.
However, between creating YouTube videos/channels and producing content for my website, I’ll choose the former. For you to have achieved so much, shows you are not a beginner.
What advice would you give a newbie with a tight budget looking to start affiliate marketing using videos? Another concern I have is what if I can’t create videos myself? Can I use an already existing YouTube video to promote my affiliate links?
Hi, you don’t need to spend a lot on a website. In Wealthy Affiliate, they are at a very good price and if you focus on content creation (I’ll get to the solution to it for you in a moment), you won’t spend much, just time to create that content.
Regarding content, the problem I see is you have 2 websites and you do freelance writing. Of course it’s going to be difficult to regularly create content on even one of those websites. Focus on one.
And finally for YouTube videos, there’s no way you can use other people’s videos and put your affiliate links in them, you would have to illegally save the video and upload it like it’s yours, but that is ILLEGAL. You can always share ANY public video on YouTube on your website if you want to though, that is totally fine.
It’s really interesting the many other options are available to make money online. I have started building a Facebook page and I think it’s a great tool to use. After reading this article, I am now even more equipped moving forward with building my fan page.
I wasn’t too sure about how to integrate the affiliate links without getting banned. Now it’s a bit clearer to me. I think YouTube is great as well. I enjoy watching videos. I’ll definitely start working on a video soon. Wealthy Affiliate is a great tool with helpful training in building a successful website. It’s really great that along with website building, we can integrate other lucrative ways to do affiliate marketing.
Thanks for sharing! This article was really helpful.
No problem!
I am an affiliate marketer too, and I always wondered in the back of my mind if I needed a website. Why not just promote the affiliate link and let the product owner do the work to close the customer.
I found it intriguing that you have done so well, which is what brought me here. I can see the YouTube method working well. Heck, I watch a lot of similar videos myself! I’ve avoided making videos like the plague though.
Last time I tried making a two-minute video, it took me all day to produce! At some point, I may outsource this. I never thought about working with a law firm. That’s a brilliant idea.
I’m in the back pain niche, so I can see how this might work well for injury attorneys, chiropractors, pain clinics, etc…
You mentioned that the lion’s share of your revenue has come from site content versus YouTube. I keep hearing that video is the future and feel the pressure to start getting videos made. Do you think that you will focus on video more in the future?
Yeah I do hear that rumor about video content overtaking written content (From Alex Becker) and I can’t really be sure of that, but I do believe it will increase. Younger generations are looking toward video content more and perhaps the generation after may do so as well.
I am looking to making video content a more serious part of my business moving forward though and I have become more confident making them over the years. I wouldn’t even worry so much about editing or hiring people for this Jeremy.
As I said in my article, I simply use one screen recording program and let that help me create videos. From there, I get comfortable with the process and then evolve it.
Hi! This approach is very interesting. And it has produced an awakening effect on me. You’re not against having a website to do affiliate marketing because you have your own websites.
But I believe the intention of this post is to make us realize that there are so many ways to earn commissions online that we don’t have any excuse. That in the hypothetical case we don’t have a website, we can still make sales. And you’re sharing with us your first hand experience to encourage us.
YouTube is an excellent way to do this. You were explaining that your video on YouTube is of low quality. In your experience, does the quality of the video really matter to make sales?
Thank you very much for this approach.
Hi Henry, of course the video quality matters. Let me give you an example, if a video has low volume, it stutters and basically interrupts the message you’re trying to relay, it will decrease the quality and irritate listeners.
The first video I shared in this post doesn’t exactly go that far, but my voice was a big muffled and there were some close ups in the video that didn’t make sense. I literally did 0 editing on it because it’s not something I’m good at.
However, with the other 2 videos, you will notice the same type of approach to reviewing a program, but a far better sound quality and experience and that is because I made simple changes to my video reviews and started doing them through ShareX which is the recording program I still use today.
Generally speaking, a high quality video is subjective because the ones with the most graphics, images, edits are not always the ones which do best. You can literally record your screen and talk and that can be considered high quality if you can relay your message in a way that keeps people listening.
In the end, you have to look at the analytical data YouTube provides you with to see how the video is doing in terms of quality. If you think you have a low quality video but you notice people are staying, listening and watching it for the most part, it means they are enjoying it, so the viewer feedback stats you will get from YouTube will tell you the true story behind whether or not the video is high quality or not (but of course, do your best to make your videos be of high quality in how you talk, the sound being heard and the message being relayed clearly).
This is captivating and insightful. I have never once thought I could do affiliate marketing without owning a website. I must say this is an eye opener for me and I must commend you for putting this up for your readers to see. These are great tips especially the YouTube video example. I will try each of them one after the other in order to get a good result. Thanks for sharing.
Ola hi, as far as I remember (from your previous comments on my site), that you are on Wealthy Affiliate and doing the training correct? If this is the case, do their training first, before jumping over to the tips I gave here, it will be far better and more all around for your online education and success.