Is Digital Income System a Scam? 5 Huge Red Flags Revealed.

I can’t really call Digital Income System a scam, but when you read this review and the red flags I found, you’ll be able to decide if it’s a system for you.

Personally, I 100% do NOT recommend this program and you’re going to see exactly why in a moment…

Quick report on Digital Income System:

digital income system reviewName: Digital Income System.

Price: There are 5 levels to join, each with it’s own VERY high price.

I’ll be going over each level further below, but it starts at $1,000 and goes up to $25,000.

Overall Rating: 1 out of 10 stars.

Reason for rating: I’ll get into the details of Digital Income System shortly to explain everything, but as a whole, it is my opinion that this program is another type of high ticket scheme which makes you believe that if you join it (and pay a lot), that there will be easy sales because they will take care of it for you, making you believe that your huge investment will be a safe one. 

But as I’ll break it down, in reality, with these kinds of programs (which typically sell the same way as Digital Income System), it usually doesn’t work this way.

Do I recommend this program? 100% NO! Here is the alternative:

digital income system alternative

Digital Income System. A detailed review…

This is a program that is said to help you make money by basically doing everything for you in the sense that once you join it, they will handle all the lead generation work and each time someone joins the program, you will get paid, up to $12,500.

Now in order to get involved with this program, you first need to buy one or more of the 5 packages they provide and here is the breakdown of each level and the pricing:

digital income system pricing

Based on what I know about high ticket programs like these, depending on which level above you join, you are eligible to receive up to 50% commissions. This means…

If you join at level 1 ($1,000) and then the system “does the work for you” and makes you a sale and the person who joins under you also buys a $1,000 package, you will make $500.

  • For level 2 ($3,000), you’d probably make up to $1,500 per person.
  • For level 3 ($5,000) you’d make up to $2,500 per person.
  • For level 4  ($12,000) you’d make up to $6,000 per person.
  • And for level 5 ($25,000), you’d make up to $12,500 per person.

Now it is very important to know (this is my opinion and also something that comes from researching high ticket systems) that if you do not join an upper level, you cannot make commissions on it. 

What this means is that if you join on the level 1 program, you will not be able to receive commissions from level 2 and up UNLESS you buy them as well.

Now additionally if you join, I suspect they’ll give you an affiliate page that looks exactly like the Digital Income System home page, so every lead which comes through your version of the page will be subject to the same exact sales message (this is what they mean when they say they’ll do the work for you, it’s literally the same sales funnel you went through).

Now let me explain the real risks of this program…

Nearly every high ticket system I study works the same way as Digital Income System in that…

  • They talk about a massive opportunity to earn high ticket commissions.
  • They “persuade you” to join their highest level memberships so you can spend more.
  • They run a sales pitch in one way or another (calls, sales pages, hype, ect…) about how their system does the work for you and that by just joining, you are going to do great, making you think very little about spending so much money.

Now that’s the hype side. And this is the reality side (cons):

Con 1:

The odds of making so much money is VERY rare and highly difficult in my experience. I included a link above explaining how high ticket systems are truly risky investments, despite their slick sales talks.

Con 2:

Additionally, they could possibly also be pyramid schemes as programs which work nearly identical to Digital Income System like Digital Altitude, were taken down by the FTC. Here is another example, MOBE.

Con 3:

The odds of making good money are usually rare if not unlikely unless you are truly a VERY good and slick internet marketer.

Con 4:

I suspect they’ll also try to get you to buy traffic (leads) from other sites or even through them for extra money. Things like solo ads are likely things to be recommended to be used.

The idea is that the more leads you buy, the more people you can bring to your unique affiliate page promoting Digital Income System, and get them to join, thus giving you the very high commissions.

However, my experience (trust me, I know about all these things well), show me that these channels they have you buy leads through are cold leads and unlikely to buy, so you may end up spending a lot of extra money on top of the initial high ticket investment opportunity and basically end up with con 3:

Unlikely to make many sales if any.

Con 5:

Historically, high ticket programs are usually BAD investments for the MAJORITY of people who invest in them, especially those who are unfamiliar with how to bring in leads. It’s very similar to a literal gamble and those usually end up bad. And I personally suggest beginners never get into this stuff, not just because of the potential of it being a scheme, but also because of the probability of success being VERY low if you are a beginner (start here if you are).

Internet marketers who know how to find the right, laser targeted leads and basically “hype market” are the ones who succeed with them, but those are rare people and furthermore, I’d argue are the unethical ones because I don’t believe that marketing these systems is a good thing. 

Other sources I found reviews from on Digital Income System:

While there are a bunch of websites I found talking about this program, a very good site in my opinion was the following one reviewing Digital Income System. Most of the people commenting on this topic were in agreement with what I had said above in the cons section. 

One person who commented claimed he got 750 leads, paid over $2,000 for it and didn’t make anything, but he did later say he spoke hastily.

I don’t know he made it work or perhaps he was seeking to promote it, but I’m just giving you all the things I read…

Either way, I’d look skeptically at people who are overly positive about this program. If they are and try to pitch it to you, it’s likely they are trying to make money from you.

And if they are skeptical of it like me, at least make sure their arguments against it are intelligent and make sense.

Final Rating: Digital Income System.

Red Flag.

1 out of 10 stars. Because Digital Income System falls under the parameters of a typical high ticket system I would never recommend (Basically because of the 5 cons that are universal across all these programs), I cannot recommend it.

Yes you can make money with this program, I do not deny that, but I would not be surprised if a majority of people who invest in this program do not succeed.

And to promote this system that would then have people spend so much with a small chance of success is not something I would ever promote nor recommend promoting either…

I personally am against high ticket programs and promoting them. I feel there is better value in actual training, opportunity and pricing in systems like these:

My final thoughts:

I must warn everyone about ALL high ticket programs, not Digital Income System. The core problem I see with all of them is this scheme approach to making money by buying high ticket packages. 

I am used to making money by providing a fairly priced service or product recommendation for a good price, not an inflated price. And that goes for money making opportunities too.

And if you still wish to join Digital Income System, remember the warnings I have and always go into these things prepared to lose money because once again, my experience has shown me that these programs do not have a high likelihood of return unless you’re an experienced marketer and know how to market these programs.

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