Spin Rewriter Review. The Reasons I Wouldn’t Use it.

Anyone who reads my blog knows how I treat programs like Spin Rewriter. I personally never recommend them and this review will explain why. There are risks if you don’t know how to use it.

Currently it’s in it’s 8.0 stage with a 9.0 coming out in October. Regardless of which update happens, in my personal opinion, there are certain core issues I see with this software and what it can do to your rankings. There are ways to use it intelligently and even make it work, I am not going to deny that, but I feel like you’re better off without it.

Spin Rewriter Review:

spin rewriter review

Creator: Aaron Sustar.

Price: There’s 3 plans,

  • $47/month.
  • $77 a year.
  • $497 for lifetime access.

Overview: This is one of the more intelligent programs which rewrites content you put into it’s system and gives you masses of different versions of it.

From what I saw, this program doesn’t “borrow” content from other sources, which already is a good thing, considering that would be plagiarism, but in the end, nothing beats writing your own content, as no matter how intelligent a spinner is, sooner or later it will not be able to create high quality content and this may end up ruining your SEO results. 

My rating: 3 out of 10 stars.

This software is NOT a scam, but knowing about SEO, I know how content that is re-spun is treated by Google, it’s a risky way of trying to go about it. Yes you can create a lot of content quickly, but speed actually ruins quality of the end results in my opinion, and especially in these types of cases, and lack of good quality ruins SEO. Despite every program like this which says otherwise, my experience has shown me that this is usually what happens.

Is there anyway I would recommend this program? Honestly no, I am firmly against these programs to be used for SEO and content creation. 

What do I recommend? You have to learn to write your own high quality content and/or teach/hire writers to do the same for you. Yes this takes more work, but it’s the 100% legit way to get good SEO rankings. And if you don’t know about all of that stuff, then:

spin rewriter alternative

The bottom line is that spinning programs are 100% not recommended. Not by me or any credible SEO expert. I’ll explain more in this review about that, as well as the program, but that program recommendation above is what will help you get this stuff right and start making money.

Before I start this review, there is 1 good thing I have to say about Spin Rewriter:

Based on what I’ve seen, Aaron, the creator of it does come off as being genuine. I also didn’t see anything regarding copying content from other people through this program, which if I did, I would immediately say this is a scam, because that’s stealing content.

However, because that doesn’t seem to be the case here, I am knocking that con out of this review because it doesn’t apply to this program. That’s about it on the positive things. Now let’s get to the negative:

3 reasons I am not recommending Spin Rewriter:

Reason 1:

At it’s very core, the very process of taking content, even if it’s your own and using a program like this for instance to rearrange and change the words will inevitably lead to that not being of the same high quality content (it will be worse).

Now I did see examples of this program in action, which Aaron was kind enough to show in his sales video and yes, the examples provided did appear to show that this program does make another version of the content you put into it, readable.

But the problem is that as you keep using this program to continue to recreate the same content, inevitably, it will become low quality. You can only recreate the same content so many ways until it starts to worsen in readability/quality. 

Let’s say I take a simple sentence and then use this type of program to recreate it 10, 20 or even a 100 times (this program is said to recreate up to 1,000 variations).

That sentence has only a few variations of it which will make sense when reading, while the others just won’t have the same context, the same grammar and the same high quality content it.

One can make the argument that you can “sift” through the variations you get from this program and pick out the good ones, but then what? Are you going to publish multiple articles talking about the same thing and targeting the same keyword? It just won’t rank as high. Wondering why? Here’s the next reason:

Reason 2:

If your goal is to crank out a lot of content with this type of program and get that content ranked on Google, then you may want to think twice because I have said in previous reviews of programs like these and even cited Google themselves and their position on it. Here is that link again.

Their position is simple: Don’t do this.

Why would you want to directly go against what Google is suggesting you do to get good SEO results? Is it because you think these programs can trick Google?

Well if that’s the case, then ask the MILLIONS of bloggers and content “creators” who have had their sites penalized over the years by Google updates, consistently, because they tried to trick Google.

I’ve suffered with at least 2 sites that I know off because I tried some black hat things in the past. I learned NOT to try and trick Google.

Reason 3: 

Numbers of the amount of users who use this program or the amount of times you can have content recreated doesn’t matter, again it all comes down to quality and an article spinner, 99% of the time CANNOT make better content than you can on your own, in it’s originality.

There’s many spinner programs like there, one which I recently reviewed called Article Forge. That one is popular, but it doesn’t change how ALL these programs have the same core problems I mentioned.

There’s that 1% chance that perhaps it accidentally uses the right words, but believe me, that’s a gamble that isn’t worth it.

And despite the fact (or supposedly) that over 100,000 people have been using Spin Rewriter for years, that doesn’t matter. I know countless people who still preach about risky ways to do SEO. It doesn’t matter how many preach it, if it goes against the rules of SEO, which I cited in reason 2, then who cares how many people use it? 

Final Rating: Spin Rewriter (8.0 currently).

3 out of 10 stars. It doesn’t matter what this program “evolves to”. It could be 9.0, 10.0, whatever, as long as the core problems with what using these programs does for SEO, it’ll never get my recommendation and I’ve referenced enough proof to explain my position.  I’m not just saying this from an unsubstantiated opinion, there’s GOOD reasons why you DON’T want to use these things. It’s all up to you though in the end.

My final thoughts:

I know how hard it is to write your own content and I know how much effort it takes in that regard to get your site ranked high, and I also know the temptation there is in using these programs to cut corners with all of that, but trust me, it is well worth doing the former thing compared to investing money in spinners and building an online business off that where the risk of losing ALL of that progress in a snap.

I know what it’s like to put in time, effort and try to cut corners with SEO and use black hat tools, then lose everything. After it happened 2 times for me, after which I decided, never again and that’s my warning to you folks.

Believe me, you are more than capable of constructing your own, unique and high quality content with practice at a fast pace. If you can text people, write emails and have at least written one long blog post/article on a website, then you’re more than cut out for this type of work. And if not, you can practice and get there.

It takes repetition and practice, but if you train your mind and hands to write consistently, it will get easier. And if you add writing about something like you like, then that is another shortcut to that outcome.

I know about that outcome because I live it. It is why today, I make a living online. I took the time to build my business and it became easier to write everything I put out on this site and every other I own. You can reach this same point too and believe me, when you do, you won’t have to bite your nails or be paranoid that at any moment, Google can penalize your website.

20 thoughts on “Spin Rewriter Review. The Reasons I Wouldn’t Use it.”

  1. Hi Vitally, the topic is very interesting and rewarding for newbies like me, I am very careful not to make mistakes such as this. I believe taking your time to learn is profitable than cutting coners. Experience has thought me that bad habits can only produce negative outcome so it is better to avoid such practices if your goals is to succeed in your business.

    • Hi Igho, thanks for your comment on this! I’m glad you and I share a similar mindset on getting a business to work and while I want to give Spin Rewriter the benefit of doubt when it comes to how they work, what you said about forming bad habits is something I totally agree with. I think a program like this may enable certain people to not work hard and make their own content.

      I certainly have my own issues with using this type of program and also learned that my own work is the best kind of work and it took a lot of time lost to get this right. That’s why I always encourage people try the Wealthy Affiliate program to learn these lessons and get results in a way I consider right.

      • It’s amazing how many people continue to build blogs just to post about Wealthy Affiliate. Absolutely amazing!

        So how do we make money if we all join Wealthy Affiliate and write the same reviews as you?

        • So a few things:

          1) Yes a lot of people promote Wealthy Affiliate.
          2) It’s not possible for everyone to write the same thing because that would be duplicate content.
          3) The best review of Wealthy Affiliate is what stands out and ranks best (as with any content).
          4) WA’s training goes beyond “just promoting itself”. It helps you build an online business outside of promoting it (see my Clickbank success story for reference, I learned that material from WA to help me do this, and none of those promotions were of WA).

  2. I write website content for a living, so I found this interesting. When I started about 15 years ago, spinners were popular because SEO was nothing more than stuffing as many keywords into the content as possible. Those were the days of invisible text and gibberish content to feed the search engines with no regard to human readers. 

    Those days are over and I rarely have clients ask for major keyword stuffing anymore, so I’m shocked to see that spinners are still around. As you pointed out here, they go against the grain of SEO today. 

    Quality and readability are more important than ever! I now make the majority of my money writing long-form content with a strong foundation in research with reputable resource links. I don’t see where spinners could possibly fit into a marketing plan today, but I assume that this is selling to people who don’t know what they’re doing. Or they’re following an outdated guide or program that is steering them in the wrong direction entirely.

    • Hi Theresa, I think you are right on the money with everything you said. The people who still buy and fall for spinner programs are those who do not understand it’s risks the way we do, which is why we need to warn them about it beforehand.

  3. Great review, although I beg to differ in some instances.

    I bought a lifetime subscription to Spin Rewriter when it first started, and I got it at a really great price.  Over the years I have earned over $200 through their affiliate program and have never had anyone ask for a refund.

    That being said, I don’t promote copying and rewriting articles, as even though this spinner does write decent articles that mostly make sense, I agree that you can write better ones doing the work yourself.

    However, sometimes I use this to spin my sentences to find better words to use, and I must admit a lot of the time the sentence comes out a lot better than I would have written it. This is why I still go back and use it from time to time. It’s also great to use when you are updating old posts just to revamp a few sentences and say them in a different way.

    • Hi Michel, I have to admit, you offer a completely different viewpoint on this subject that I’ve never heard before, that being that you use this program to possibly raise the value of your content, but at the same time, I have to comment and say that I truly believe (at least based on how you wrote your comment) that you write perfectly well and in instances where you need to find a different version of what you write, why not use a site like Thesaurus.com? Additionally, I have to also say that I don’t think that most people you’d promote this program to would use it the same way you would. Yes you made $200 promoting it, but I would guess the audience you promoted it to wasn’t seeking to improve their content, they likely just wanted an easy program to make money from. 

      And while no refunds happened from those sales you made, I’d argue that the reasons for why was because this promotion likely happened awhile back when the info and facts about spinners wasn’t what it is now and that perhaps by the time people realized they didn’t have a good product, it was too late to refund it. This happens a lot to beginners as well.

  4. Hi Vitaliy,

    I don’t understand why anybody would like to buy spin rewriter and run the risk of getting bad SEO results. If you’re a passionate blogger/affiliate marketer, you know that writing takes practice and you get better each day. Just follow and research keywords that really rank well and you’re good to go.

    I thinks this is just a waste of money. Thanks for sharing.


    • Hi Marita, the thing is, we know these points to be logical but there’s many people who get into this business and don’t understand this, they think it’s an easy thing to do and there’s people who sell programs like Spin Rewriter which make them believe this even more so. It’s bad education mixed with wanting to make quick money and not wanting to work. 

      It all balances out though, as people who engage in these negative practices do not succeed.

  5. Hey Vitaliy:

    I absolutely agree with your stance on rewriting programs in general. Writing is HARD. Trying to get the clarity and providing information that other people find useful and valuable is not a matter of rearranging other people’s words.

    You do have to think. You do have to do the work to get to being good at it. Cutting corners just turns the finished product to dirt.

    • Hi Netta, I am glad you are seeing the deeper picture in my points regarding programs like Spin Rewriter. You are completely right about the principals behind it for bother the person who creates content and the people who read it and how important it is for the writer to develop that essential skill and not to cheat that process.

  6. Great review on a spinner. I haven’t used spinners in the past, but was thinking about using one in the near future. But now that I have read the variations of one sentence, it can only make sense with the correct grammar and context.

    I wonder what the 1000’s of other sentences would look like, as to me a sentence won’t really have meaning after it’s written a certain way. Don’t get me wrong, spinners have definitely come a long way, but still not quite to human capability standards.

    • Yes, you are right, the original sentence a person write has it’s own unique meaning and changing the words around can truly alter the message and context , making it unreadable. 

  7. Hey, Vitaliy!

    Awesome review of Spin Rewriter! Very well written and very informative. Yeah, I’ve considered using a program such as this before but when I thought it through, I came to basically the same conclusions as you did in this post. It takes the personality out of your website!

    You would have to use Spin Rewriter for every post because it would sound so different from your own voice. Your personality is what certain people follow on your blog. It would also sound/read exactly like the website of everyone who uses the product to write their posts, which is why Uncle Google would slap it!

    I see done-for-you, shortcut product offers like this all the time on the web, from membership websites to email templates to Private Label Rights products! Why would you want to have the same product (written the same way) that thousands of others are promoting?

    Then, of course, as you have said…IT’S ILLEGAL! It’s plagiarism! You are really taking a chance using such a product!

    Thanks for putting out this warning for others to see and again, great post!

    Kind regards,


  8. Thanks for your insights into this program. I was actually looking at this the other day, and basically everything you said bad about it is what went through my mind as well.

    Also I think by not writing your own content, you are technically taking the human element out of your website — which I believe would result in a lot less conversions.

    So I think I’ll take your word and not risk my rankings with this program — but instead learn how to become a great copy writer through lots of practice.

    One quick question though. You said you used black hat techniques in the past? Was spinning your content one of them?

    • Hey Michael, no I never used spinners, what I did in the past was I purchased backlink packages and it had a horrible conclusion for my websites that I used it on.

  9. I once used the online version of Spin Rewriter when I opened my blog, I was a newbie then because I have not learned much on writing quality articles by myself, though I do write and publish many posts in a week, but I do still feel guilty copying people’s articles. Thanks for such eye opening post you’ve made because spin rewriter is not good for a blog health.

    • It’s alright Bibian, I was also guilty of doing unethical things when I started in this business, but I did quickly change and that as long as you also realized the mistake made and didn’t copy content through these types of programs, you’re fine 🙂


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