Is Increase my Bank Account a Scam? Why I Just Don’t Trust it!

Quick Report:

increase my bank account program review

Name: Increase my Bank Account. Supposed creator: Kelly Simmons.

Price: $67. Keep hitting the back button for $10-$20 discounts. Odds are if this program is what I think it is, there are also up-sells post purchase so watch out for that.

Overall Rating: 0 out of 10 stars.

Yet again, we have another fake program, made by a fake pen name. So let me get right down to the point: This review is not going to be the most “positive one” because I have tried this program before, and didn’t like it (and that’s saying it nicely). 

Now if you’re still interested to know why I am rating the Increase my Bank Account “program” so negatively, read on…

Increase my Bank Account explained in a nutshell:

I’ve lost count of how many times I have run into a program like this from fake sites like these, and in this case, it’s made by a Kelly Simmons, but I estimate it’s about a dozen now, if not more. And I have written so many reviews about “her” programs and have proven time and again that she is NOT real. 

increase my bank account kelly simmons

I have seen the above page, with the exact text dozens of times on fake programs.

The thing is, this current program in question, like all the rest of them where I encountered this name isn’t actually real, it’s just an affiliate of another major program you get once you buy it.

But the problem is, I tried to and it didn’t let me, because like with so many other programs with that pen name, it already recorded that I purchased it and didn’t let me re-buy it.

Here is proof:

Now the problem is that I have never actually purchased a program called “Increase my Bank Account” and as I said this is because that program is really not the actual program you buy.

Once again, once you DO buy it, you will find that you get transferred over to a completely different named program. The question is, what is this other program?

Here is where I’ll speculate a bit…

I assume the program behind this one is either 37 clicks or Online Software Solutions. One can even say these 2 are the same. 

The reason I am speculating is because with the dozen or so fake programs I’ve purchased in the past with Kelly Simmons name on it, I was either transferred over to the 37 clicks program or the Online Software Solutions one.

I also believe that at one point or another, I may have also been transferred to something else. The thing is, I buy and investigate SO many of these fake programs, so often that I get confused as to which name is which and whose fake pen name is behind it, so you’ll have to excuse me here.

In any case, the REAL proof is that I was told I bought it, the speculation is whether or not the program is what I think it really is. 

Just a few weeks ago, I reviewed another fake program like this one, but it was called Secure Online Work. Guess what? Kelly Simmons name is also there and in addition, I also got the same error that I bought it. 

Only in that case, they literally revealed it was 37 clicks because I looked through their information pages such as the disclaimer, terms & conditions, ect…

With this one, it’s different, they don’t reveal that. The only things they reveal which lead me to believe it’s 37 Clicks is:

  • It’s Kelly Simmons name again.
  • It’s got the 37 Clicks insignia. 
  • It told me I purchased it (I have purchased 37 clicks before).
  • I have WAY too many of these experiences from the past.

I think these 4 pieces of evidence are enough to at the very least assume that the program Increase my Bank Account is the same as 37 clicks and I am the type of the person who cannot have doubt about it, so even though I’m 99% sure I’m right, I still keep the door open for that tiny 1% to make itself known.

But here’s the BIG point:

Now even if that happens and the 1% doubt ends up being true and this program ends up not being 37 clicks but something else…

Here’s 5 reason it’ll still not be recommended by me:

1) It’ll just be another BAD program I purchased in the past and didn’t like.

2) These programs are FULL of deception.

3) There’s fake “as seen on” connections they try to make, such as showing news stations reporting on working from home trying to make you think there’s some association with the program in question.

4) Kelly Simmons of these work at home programs has never been real and has in MANY occasions been revealed to be a pen name. In other words: FAKE. If you need proof, simply look at my review of Secure Online Work and I literally put up a screenshot of her being revealed as being fake. 

5) I have constantly made the point that programs like Increase my Bank Account and those which use FAKE pen names and deceptive tactics are at the core, rotten and cannot be trusted.

Real, legitimate programs will never hide behind names or disguise their program’s name. Any hint at deception (which there is enough evidence of) is enough to doubt the program’s trustworthiness. 

Final Rating: Increase my Bank Account.

0 stars

Red Flag

0 stars out of 10. If you’re a fake program hiding it’s TRUE identity, you cannot be rated high or even somewhat good in my book, that is why this one gets a very, very low mark.

My final thoughts:

Many times, I have run across these programs which didn’t let me buy them again, and of course I never wanted to buy the thinking it was the same, it was just told to me after I tried. 

In any case, there has never been a program to the likes of Increase my Bank Account or any program with Kelly Simmon’s name behind it that I ever found to be good. My opinion is that you should save your money and look for something better. 

Should anyone who visits this article actually be someone who managed to buy Increase my Bank Account, please verify for me if it’s really the programs I assume they are. 

4 thoughts on “Is Increase my Bank Account a Scam? Why I Just Don’t Trust it!”

  1. Wow thank you for bringing this to my attention. I’ve come across so many different make money online programs and it’s hard to tell what’s legit and what’s not. I appreciate this information you provided and I am going to make sure that I am more observant and more diligent before I decide to purchase any type of course related to making money online.

    • That is one of the topics you need to be VERY careful with Shelly because that’s where you find most of these scams.

  2. First off I’d like to thank you. I think this is the first time I’ve ever looked at a w4h review site that didn’t shamelessly plug their own affiliation. I am so glad to see that you are honestly looking to provide these kinds of reviews. Would you happen to have any suggestions aside from WA, since I am already a member?

    • Well if it’s specifically a program like WA, then you can try things like Niche Blitzkreig, Affilorama, Niche Profit Classroom (5.0). Those are pretty good programs, but honestly, the fact that you’re a WA member tells me you’re in the best place possible. Even those other good programs aren’t as good as it.


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