Amazing Cash System Review. Nothing Amazing About it.

Quick Report:

Name: Amazing Cash System (Video Sales Script) by Robert Adziashvili. 

Price: $17, no up-sells. 

amazing cash system review

Overall Rating: 3 out of 10 stars.

The content info you get from this program is really plain, obvious and boring. Most of the good stuff you get is actually outgoing links to YouTube videos.

Amazing Cash System in a nutshell:


A tutorial on increasing sales conversions on your site through simple tweaks such as doing videos for s

ales instead of long text copies. Most of the remainder of the site gives you basic tips such as how to make appealing headlines, doing things such as storytelling and other simple things to help keep customers on your site more often as well to increase odds of a sale happening.

There are 7 modules on this site. Each module is a short video and with each video you also get an audio version of it and a PDF with a transcript.

It’s actually quite pointless to do this since the videos are nothing but text and you hearing Robert talk. These other options are nothing more than a different version of the same thing.

It would make much more sense to not use an audio and to make the PDF some sort of summary with bullet points to help people get a better understanding of the lesson. This is just a repeat and really something that wastes time than adds to understanding.

The lessons and bonuses: 

I personally believe that a lot of this training is very obvious. There’s even a small summary to each video you see which to me actually got the point across much faster than having to watch to the videos.

For example in Module 1:


I circled the summary in a red circle to the right and with this module, I regret having to sit and listen to 10:11 of the video. The point was: Videos sites convert better than text sites so make videos on your sites which is what the summary just said. 

Module 2. DFY Simple video sales template. This explains how to quickly capture a visitors attention on your site (well video) by making a promise and also using story telling to have them want to listen. 

He has 7 points that start from talking about the problem that your site addresses to how you can solve with the story telling and making promises being in the middle to keep the visitor hooked. This module actually does provide some good theory, but lacks examples to illustrate the point.

Module 3. Step by step checklist: Just tells you to make a power point presentation with slides and put in bullet points as well as what text styles to use. This module could have been SO much more valuable if he just included pictures showing EXAMPLES. 

Module 4. 365% sales booster: Robert deserves credit for making appealing headlines, but sadly, his content under delivers. In this module, you just learn to split test your videos to see which version converts better.

You can make videos with music vs without, videos with more pictures and illustrations and test them vs ones that are plain and see which ones lead to more sales then use the more positive one. 

So this increasing of conversions is nothing more than just testing and yes it is imperative you test and I’m talking in general, whether it be your landing page, your blog website, your PPC campaigns. Testing is absolutely needed.

This module doesn’t reveal any sort of secrets. It just sounds like it does.

Module 5. Instant Traffic System: You are basically told to make YouTube videos and link them back to your site to get visitors. Nothing is unusual here and yes it is true that making videos on YouTube is a great way to get traffic.

Module 6. Resource Tools Guide: Gives you a list of programs you can try using to enhance your video presentations. You also get tips on how making your video more likely to be listened to by making it less than 3 minutes long which is usually the period before people get bored.

Module 7. The Lazy Man Guide. Just a video on basically outsourcing your work and getting other people to make your videos for you.

Resources: An index of YouTube links and other sites such as video presentation software’s to use. This is actually a very good page because it’s organized and shows you through YouTube tutorials how to use different types of programs. Very good for beginners or those who aren’t familiar with these programs.

Bonuses: 1 PDF that shows 101 attention grabbing headlines (we call this call to action words) and 11 videos covering different ways to get traffic, more tips on getting sales through videos. There is good information here as well.

Final Rating: Amazing Cash System

3 stars

Yellow Light

3 out of 10 stars. Many of the tips you get from this program do work, but I feel that way it’s shown to you could have been much better. The price of this program is decent, but you’d get more benefits from my highly recommended program Wealthy Affiliate than you would from the Amazing Cash System.

My final thought: This program is extremely unamazing.

For a guy who does film making and pushes that you make videos, he never includes any cartoons, not nearly enough examples of his sites or others to help give people more direction nor does he “paint” a good picture. All of these videos are just him talking and a transcript, that’s it.

The GOOD thing is that it really can be all you need to increase sales on your site, but the way Robert does this is kind of contradictory to what he’s trying to point to, not to mention that for me, it was extremely boring to listen to these audios. I mean videos because he was clearly reading it off a paper.

There is something I really did like and that was in the area of the resources where you get all the training links, none of them seemed like affiliate links which means Robert is focused more on helping you understand all of this stuff more so than he is in making money.

It means he delivers more value and because there were no up-sells either, it was what took this program to a yellow light. If it weren’t for the resources and bonuses, this program would have been in the red zone for me. But even though it’s not there, there’s not much reason that I would ever suggest buying it.

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