Is Quick Cash System a Scam? Too Hard to Believe!

quick cash system review

Quick Cash System was a tough program for me to examine and that’s because of how cheesy it’s pitch was that I found too good to be true. In this review, you’ll see what I mean as I explain what I learned about the program.

Quick Report on Quick Cash System:

Creator: Sarah Markel.

Price: It’s a binary options program so they say it’s free, but you’ll always have to deposit money which can be $250-$1,000’s.

Overall Rating: 0 out of 10 stars (Scam)

I try to avoid reviewing any binary options programs because I feel they are all scams, but because I keep running into them, I really have no choice.

Besides, a huge part of my job on this site is to inform people about them so they don’t get ripped off and Quick Cash System is the newest one I found.

Quick Cash System in a nutshell:

More binary options. More of the same scam.

There is no quick cash to this and it’s a huge risk to undertake trying out this industry. The system they talk about is really the key to all the hype as it promises to help you land into the big bucks.

But is the system legitimate? Well yes, but the problem is that when dealing with binary options, there really is no way to consistently make the right bets, thus the “system” itself isn’t going to work. There are strategies yes, but without having your own experience in the field, there is no way in my opinion to beat it. And remember, with all of these scams, there’s never actually any free access unless you deposit money. 

I don’t believe anything on the Quick Cash System sales page. Here’s why:

As if checking out the dozen or more binary option programs like this wasn’t enough, Let’s take a quick look at what you see if you visit the homepage:

A woman pulls up to a nice house with her kids and starts telling her story. However, her story isn’t the typical going from poor to rich. Her story involves mentioning how she can be trusted more so than the other people out there and that her program is basically more evolved than theirs. Funny enough this is common to see with other binary programs. 

Then things move into the next phase (after you sign up) where Sarah meets with a man who is “for the first time” trying out this program. She sits him down and walks him through the process of setting up his trading account. Trading accounts are memberships to the binary options trading sites where you can actually make the trades and earn money.

Instructions are quite simple to follow, the man signs up and deposits money. Then he “surprisingly” gets a call from an account specialist who helps him make his first bet on a stock by either calling or putting it and voila, our “beginner” makes his first profit and goes from $250 to over $400 in little time.

Then Sarah later leaves and contacts him at a later date and he shows off his supposed sales figures since he last left off. The idea here is to obviously make it sound like you too are just moments away from following in that man’s footsteps. 

From my impression, pretty much across the entire span of the video, they always make it sound like everything that you’ll be doing is pretty much guaranteed or ensured to work. It’s to help you avoid being skeptical (which you should be).

Salespage (95%) – hype (90%) = reality (5%) in my opinion

Now with everything I mentioned, you may still believe that there is a chance there’s legitimacy with this program, but let me challenge you for a moment to discard the hype and try this:

Without even checking out the product, let’s summarize exactly what happened, take all of the magical keywords out of this sales page and see what we have:

  • A woman says she makes a ton of money with an easy system.
  • She then gets another man to go through the process who I believe is really an actor (she maybe an actor too).
  • The man deposits money and in a few minutes makes nearly twice as much.
  • You’re assured you’re going to get the same results and end up making 6 figures as they show in their sales report.
  • The system itself isn’t really shown to you either. You just see the end result, not the process. 

So with that in mind, how did that version sound? A lot worse than the first one and that’s because I took out all of the hype and just gave you the “facts” they put up. And when you look at it from that point of view, suddenly a lot of red flags should arise:

  • Potential actors.
  • Mystery system.
  • Get rich quick promises (shiny object marketing).
  • A need to put up a lot of money to start and guess what? It isn’t really free after all.

And those are the major ones. You would also be surprised to know this is how most of the selling is done. A lot of it really does feel like smoke and mirrors to me and with very little substance to add to that.

There is no get rich quick scheme with this sort of thing. Please understand this. This is how they keep getting people: By promising what really can’t be done, but can only be dreamed of. Anything involving making a good amount of money always involves hard work and a realistic understanding that this is what’s needed to make it.

I personally work full time online. This is what I do that actually works (no hype).

I did mention earlier how much I dislike reviewing these programs and that’s because they all do this. I’ve come to a point where I don’t even need to look through the sales page. I already know how they’re going to pitch it. 

Final Rating: Quick Cash System

0 stars

Red Flag (Scam)

0 out of 10 stars. The only thing that’ll be quick about this system is how much money leaves your wallet.

My final thoughts: 

Binary scams are here to stay unfortunately, and I would never recommend trying out any of them. The ones like Quick Cash System are just affiliate sites and with the way they try to sell themselves is a perfect illustration of what you should be avoiding. Anytime you see something in a similar manner trying to be sold to you, I suggest leaving the site and never coming back!

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