Keywords are vital to being successful online. They are how your visitors find you! But not all keywords are the same. Some get searched more, some less. I’m going to show you how to find profitable keywords (with low competition) using 4 different kinds of methods, and they are all completely free. I have used these exact same methods (And still do) to have websites get 100’s and even 1,000’s of visitors monthly and even weekly.
Note: If you already know what keywords are and what their importance is, skip ahead to the “How To Find Competition For A Keyword & Using 4 Free Methods ” section below.
First, let me explain what the heck a keyword is!
A keyword is ANY search term a person or persons type into Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engines when they are looking for something.
- Become a leader
- How to lose weight fast
- How to train your dog to sit
- How to breakup/make up with your girlfriend/boyfriend
- How to make a pizza
- Price of a PlayStation 4
- What does Barrack Obama do on his free time?
- How to make honest money on the internet (;))
Every term I just typed above is a keyword! There are literally ENDLESS amounts of keywords out there on the internet. But what we’re looking to do when it comes to making money on the internet is to:
1. Find specific ones where we can profit off them.
2. Find ones which have a lot of traffic (high search density) & low competition.
Allow me to elaborate…
1. Find specific ones where we can profit off them:
Certain keywords get tons of searches. The keyword “how to lose weight” is typed into Google millions of times, monthly! Other keywords such as “Train dog to sit” also gets a lot of searches, probably not as much as the first one, but it’s still a lot.
In order to make money online, we need to find specific keywords rather than vague ones. The more specific a keyword, the better chances of making money.
Weight loss is WAY too vague of a keyword. Here’s a better option: Weight loss for women over 40.
Exercise and diets is also too vague. Here’s a better option: Exercise and diets for diabetics.
Dog training is too vague. Here’s a better option: How to train your dog to sit.
See how each keyword is SO much more specific? Plus with a specific keyword comes my second point…
2. Find ones which have a lot of traffic (high search density) & low competition.
Keywords which are more specific have far less competition (other pages competing for the same keyword) than broad keywords do.
The keyword “weight loss” has millions of competing pages. “Weight loss for women over 40” has FAR less than that!
Why is it important to have little competition when searching for keywords? Because little competition means your website has a HIGH chance of ranking on the first page of the search term.
And that means you get the MOST amount of traffic possible. How much? How about 90%+? Yep that’s how much traffic you get if your site is on the first page of Google for a keyword as based off a Chikita statistic pictured below!
How To Find A Keyword’s Competition Using 4 Free Methods!
Every single keyword has a certain amount of competing pages for it. In other words, other websites, including yours are competing for the same keyword you are and if the competition is way too high, perusing the keyword may not be a smart move. So how do you find out?
Method #1:
Summary of method: This method of finding profitable keywords involves doing a Google search and finding the exact competition of a keyword. If you can find a keyword with low competition (explained below), you have a potentially profitable option to work it!
Benefits of method:
Free to use.
Helps find low competition keywords.
How to use it:
Step 1: Go to Google and type in a keyword. For reference, I am using the keyword “diets for obese children”. Notice I put the keyword into quotes. Every time you want to find the EXACT competition of a keyword, put the keyword into quotes!
Step 2: Hit search, and go to LAST page of the search. This will show you the EXACT number of competing pages. If the number is less than 300, you have little competition and will be able to make a site that will have a GREAT chance to show up on the first page! Let’s use my example “diets for obese children”. Here is what I found:
Method #2 Keyword Tool (Recommended):
Use the free keyword tool at Wealthy Affiliate, which my #1 recommended place to learn how to make money online. The starter membership there is absolutely free and you can utilize their free keyword tool in addition to awesome step-by-step training on making your first $’s online!
Why I recommend this method:
This tool shows you the exact competition you have which you can use method #1 for, BUT in addition to that, they will also tell you HOW many people search for the keyword/s so you’ll know which keywords are profitable or not!
Get free access to Wealthy Affiliate & it’s keyword tool here!
Method #3: Finding Keywords Using The “Alphabet Soup” Technique (Video Walkthrough).
This is a REALLY amazing technique one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate found that anyone can use to find very profitable keywords INSTANTLY! I personally use this technique in a lot of my keyword research and have found tons of highly profitable keywords as a result. Here is a video:
Benefits of method:
- Free to use
- Can help you find an unlimited amount of keyword ideas!
Method #4: Using A Keyword Tool Called “Jaaxy”. 
Not every keyword you find will be profitable. Some don’t get a lot of searches. Some are too competitive. Some can actually be both. You need to find which keywords have a lot of traffic and little competition. For this you need a keyword tool. And the best one for that is Jaaxy.
It’s free to use for 30 searches and it’ll give you accurate information on how many searches a keyword gets as well as it’s competition. With this tool, you’ll be able to save tons of time and money.
Through it I have personally found many keywords and created websites which get 1000’s of visitors monthly. Click here to view how Jaaxy works and how you can utilize it to find profitable keywords online.
Try Jaaxy’s Search Right Now:
Benefits of Jaaxy:
- Instantly finds you high traffic, low competition keywords with accurate numbers.
- Provides an endless source of keyword ideas.
- Saves a lot of time and effort.
- Gives you a free trial for 30 searches and more.
- I’ve personally used this tool to make websites that generate 1,000’s of visitors monthly.
- More benefits can be found here.
Putting it all together! The sky is LITERALLY the limit!
In the end the best keywords are the ones which have the most traffic and the least amount of competition. It is from these keywords that you can get a lot of visitors to your website and in turn make a lot of money!
Let me put this into perspective for you:
Say you have a website on obesity for children.
You can find 100’s of keywords related to this subject via the methods described above that get tons of searches each month from people that your website can rank high for and get all those visitors coming to you!
Make different websites, on different subjects and you have literally an endless amount of traffic available and potentially an unlimited amount of money to make as a result!
There are over 2 BILLION people on the internet every single day. A large portion of those people are buying things from there and you can capitalize on this!
My best advice? Use Wealthy Affiliate to learn every possible way to make all of this happen! Everything I put on this website and everything I learned from internet marketing is due to them and they will do the same for you!
If you have any questions about these techniques, let me know in the comments below. I’d be more than happy to help you out 🙂
Hey, great post.
Researching keywords is something that I have struggled with so far. I thought keywords were only for the title of your post or page, but actually from reading your post you can target keywords within the body of your post. Very insightful.
I am going to target around 5-10 keywords that I can make content around and hopefully they can be engaging.
Thanks for sharing and I look forward to future posts.
All the best,
Hi Tom, you absolutely SHOULD be putting the keyword in one form of another within the content of your post. Google doesn’t just rank your pages/post on the title alone, but also it’s content.
Thank you for the methods. I already knew about methods 1,2 and 4. But 3 is a new one for me. I am glad I can use all of these methods for free. But personally, I also would like to target other search engines such as Yahoo and Bing as well. Do you have any more methods to target them?
Focus on the strategies I mentioned here Levon, then apply each keyword/s to each title. The content will rank on Google and other search engines, so you will not need to worry about ranking on those places too, it’ll happen automatically.
Hey Vitaliy. Really cool post one again. :). I love the fact that I, almost every day find new content on your site. 🙂 Your explanation here was really awesome. I still have a question. How do I actually get ranked for those keywords because Google likes to rank me for a lot of keywords but not for those that I chose????
Hi Aaron, so this question actually has several answers which encapsulate the whole topic of ranking in Google, so allow me to dissect it:
1) By finding a low competition keyword and writing it in the blog post/page’s title and body, you are basically providing Google with an identification for WHAT term you want them to rank you for.
However, it is ultimately up to Google to go through with this and they often do, but…
2) You will often find the term you wish to rank under will be somewhere down the search results, and not on page 1 and this is often the case because of a lack of authority on the site, the site itself is quite new and it will take more time, more content and more work to get Google to rank you higher.
3) Google can and WILL rank your site for LSI terms which is why it’s common to not see your site rank for the main keyword you’re chasing, but rather others.
4) Google ranks more than just the keyword in your title. In addition to LSI terms, it also indexes and ranks phrases you write which are associated with the chosen keyword.
So overall, keep doing what you’re doing and I can tell you that if you keep writing up content and building up authority, that those same terms you say aren’t being ranked right now, will be in the future.
Wow, thank you very much for this HUUUGE explanation. I was already thinking that it had something to do with the authority of my site, but hearing it from an expert like you really assured me that I actually just need to keep going. thanks 🙂 keep up the good work 🙂
No problem!
The alphabet soup is my favorite way to find keywords and get new content ideas! You can simply generate like 10-20 new topics to write about in just 5 minutes or so. Of course, then you have to check if those keywords that you’ve just found are good for use. It’s really important to choose keywords that have pretty low competition but a decent amount of searches. That is the essence of getting ranked in Google. If you’re just choosing the highest competition keywords, then you’re probably never gonna rank.
Well you probably will rank in those situations, just not high, not unless you have an incredible authority with Google, but that takes a long time to achieve. Overall though, what you said about keywords is spot on.